It's Everyday with John and Jay
We're the unapologetically raw comedy podcast that’s not afraid to push boundaries. Packed with outrageous skits, off-the-cuff banter, and original songs, John and Jay bring their no-holds-barred humor to everyday topics, wild hypotheticals, and everything in between. Whether you’re here for belly laughs or pure chaos, this is the ultimate shoot-the-shit show for anyone who loves their comedy a little rough around the edges
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It's Everyday with John and Jay
Episode 155: Restaurant Rankings Bonanza!!
Ever had a hilarious nickname stick, like Mr. Schnitzel from Walmart? Join me on this solo escapade as we navigate through a rollercoaster of anecdotes, including a side-splitting McDonald's misadventure with Isaac Best and Oush Fitness. We tackle the quirks of modern fast-food dynamics, especially the perils of self-entitlement in the workforce. And yes, that tricky two-for-seven deal at Wendy's gets a mention, showcasing the peculiar patterns of today's service industry.
Imagine ranking fast-food giants like KFC, Burger King, and Panda Express, while giving a spotlight to the unsung heroes of sit-down dining like Cheesecake Factory and Olive Garden. Our town's culinary scene offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from the nostalgic bliss of Raising Cane's chicken to the curious choices at Long John Silver's. As we reminisce about defunct family favorites like Ponderosa, our taste buds take a trip down memory lane, sparking laughter and fond memories of days gone by.
Sports fans, it's time to gear up for a spirited discussion on college football rivalries, with a special nod to Ohio State's journey and the eternal battle with Michigan. As we unveil our podcast's thrilling transition to YouTube, we're welcoming you to engage in real-time and witness our genuine reactions on video. Thank you for being a part of this lively ride, and stay tuned as we continue to entertain and surprise with every episode.
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'Beavis and Butt-head' Cover art created by Joe Crawford
It's every day with John and Jay Comedy.
Speaker 2:Skits, random bullshit. Tim and Jerry, it's not your day, it's not my day. This is our day, and it's my day. This is our day, and it's every day with John and Jay. You like racy shit, you like problems going on. You like sexual misconduct? You're in the right fucking place. Listen up, you fucking freaks. It is time to get the show on the road. We're ready to hit this episode of it's every day with john and jay. Let's rock yo what's up.
Speaker 4:It's every day with john and j. How's it going? Everybody Well.
Speaker 2:Jay is not here, but Mr, what is that? What the fuck was that term? God damn it. I had it in my head.
Speaker 4:two seconds ago, mr.
Speaker 2:Bigglesworth no, what was that, mr Schnitzel? Mr Schnitzel.
Speaker 4:This is Mr Schnitzel, mr Schneebly schnitzel. This is mr schnitzel snibley.
Speaker 2:No, I went to uh walmart tonight and by shake and bake there's a shake and bake like style item called mr schnitzel. Mr schnitzel, it's called mr schnitzel is it?
Speaker 2:oh okay, I don't know, but I was like that's a new name for my penis, mr schnitzel schnitzel in your schnauzer oh my god okay, so yesterday, um, when our the other day it was he knows um, not yesterday, it was uh sunday, when I was cruising around going to, uh, you know, help my cousin or my nephew, not my cousin, cousin. Jesus Christ, help my nephew. I was listening to one of our old podcasts, which is number 83. Holy crap With Isaac Best.
Speaker 4:Oh, okay, wow, and.
Speaker 2:Oush Fitness was on there. Was it really? And we were talking about? Yeah, it was Oush Fitness, yeah, Oush Fitness.
Speaker 4:Nice Oush Fitness.
Speaker 2:So we were listening to that. So I was listening to that and it was uh, just reminiscing on how awesome of an episode, because the episode was so good it was. Uh, we were talking about all of my mishaps at mcdonald's and shit like that and and how like you were surprised I didn't get fired, and shit like I'm astute nowadays, you would have been sacked a long time ago. No, for all the tomfool you think it's no they would let them, they would, I would get away with a lot more these days back then.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, back then we had good workers, dude, it's true.
Speaker 4:Now it's people just suck I tell you it's maybe I just maybe I'm old and or because of the level of respect that was commanded of us for customers when we worked at mcdonald's. But dude, it is. It's hard to even get a smile from people from like from restaurants and and or from, like, fast food restaurants. It's just like here, get the fuck out of here. This is, is it? I mean, it's like I I honestly don't care if the food's right in the bag. I you could actually call me a motherfucker and I really wouldn't give two shits, but it's just like an observation. I've noticed that like yeah, it's, it's almost like I go to wendy's. It's like, yeah, this one feels like like, what do you want? Uh, okay, oh, this is what kind of bringing this on?
Speaker 4:So Wendy's has two for set, has the two for seven, so it's like two chicken sandwiches or two singles, or two 10 pieces, I think, or something like that. Two, two for seven. This is, I don't know. It's just a weird Wendy's thing or what. Okay, so what, I order two chicken sandwiches, wendy's thing, or okay, so what. I order two chicken sandwiches you would have. You would think maybe I'm wrong here that it's on the two for seven menu. No, you have to specify you want it on the two for seven, because if you don't, they'll order it at full price and I'm like I just can't believe two for seven is a special.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is now fucking ridiculous. Two, two sandwiches, two yeah for wendy's wow, three dollars and fifty cents a fucking sandwich.
Speaker 4:You're getting a deal, bud I don't know for wendy's, I think that's a deal, but uh, that's. It used to be two for six. I remember way back when, remember two for fives were like it right, that that was it. It was like two for five was where it's at. But anyway, you have to specify. You want the, the special quote, unquote. If not there, they will order it at the normal price. I'm like aren't the chicken sandwiches at two, the two for seven? She's like, yeah, but you have to specify you want the two for seven oh, you can't just assume that on your no, you can't yeah, because I'm
Speaker 2:sure they can't either, or I'm sure people are fighting you to pay more uh, you have to put, you have to specify.
Speaker 4:Oh, let's see here. Do I want the special at two for seven, or do I want to pay seven, eight dollars a piece for a chicken sandwich boy? I just feel like paying more money to dave thomas's family you know, here's the thing, man it.
Speaker 2:What really sucks is that we, we and I know this is speaking- I know people are like get over it.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm pretty sure a lot of people are like, hey, you know, yeah, because we live within a self-entitled generation right now, that is, who's running our fast food restaurants and stuff. Don't get me wrong, dude, there are some gems in there that are, you know, like there's some good workers and things like that. But the values and work ethic of the past, it's just that it's in the past. There's not a lot of that going around anymore, and I know I sound like old man you sound like an old man yelling at the cloud I do and I will I'll be that old man, I don't give a fuck, you know.
Speaker 2:I just I don't know, man, and you know, be one thing if you, if you know you work at wendy's or a fast food restaurant, and I never worked there, but I've worked there before, so I know exactly what I'm talking about, you know?
Speaker 4:like it's not a I'm sure things you know. The thing is, a lot of these managers managers are like people like us, though, or not like us, us, but like millennial people or older or like those are people kind of managing shit. So it's like I don't know backbone. There's no fucking backbone.
Speaker 2:It's like I told sarah because, because Sarah has the same problem in her workplace and I said you know what I said your workplace wouldn't last with me, it wouldn't like the workers wouldn't last Because the one thing that as a person running a joint or running a place, you have to be ready to work whatever you have to work to get the shit done. So if somebody's like you, have to be ready to work whatever you have to work to get the shit done. So if somebody is like you know what? If somebody wants to butt heads with you and be like hey, listen, um, you know what I don't feel like coming into work today. Well then, don't fucking come in tomorrow and don't come in the rest of your schedule.
Speaker 2:I'll work your hours. Fuck you, you're out, and that's what I do at level up. That's how I would run it. I don't care if you can't come into work, can't show up on time. If I can't rely on you, then don't let the fucking door hit you. Where you're split bud, I don't give a fuck, I'll work speaking to that.
Speaker 4:I don't know if you want to discuss this publicly, but did it? Did you have a meeting with a lawyer this week.
Speaker 2:No, it'd be the 29th oh, it's.
Speaker 4:Oh, it's okay. Okay. Well, I didn't know if that was this weekend or not this week, but if it was this week or what, no, it'll be the 29th. Oh, you got it oh okay, yeah, well, sometimes like public disclosure and blah blah. People don't like you know blah blah.
Speaker 2:I don't know what the laws are with that, but um no, my lawyer said that I can talk to people.
Speaker 4:Oh, okay, yeah I was gonna say something. Oh, you know, at restaurants, like sit down restaurants, I don't, I don't get that kind of same feeling. No, like I feel like I get pretty good service everywhere. I go for the most part, probably about 90 of the time, you know why?
Speaker 2:because they have to earn that extra. They earn that tip you know yeah and I think that's the one good thing about tipping is it keeps, it does, does keep the service industry still pretty decent and good, whereas unfortunately, like a lot of these other fast food, they're already making their money. They don't give a fuck, they don't give a shit whether you're happy, they don't care, it's not their fucking money.
Speaker 4:It's interesting you go to McDonald's, it's just they don't even have to. I'll be like it's interesting, like you go to mcdonald's and it's just they don't even have to take orders out up front anymore, like they don't have to deal with that anymore, it's all through kiosk and they just yell at you when your order's up the void of like it's just it's just technology, okay.
Speaker 4:And here's another thing I kind of want to and again this is probably just nostalgia kick in. What happened to all of these fast food restaurants? They look so bland and contemporary. Mcdonald's used to be so bright. It appealed to children and kids and stuff and families. Now it just looks like a coffee house or a drabby contemporary Lots of edges, lots of squares. You know what I mean. Like a drabby contemporary lots of edges, lots of squares.
Speaker 2:You know what you know I'm talking about you know I don't like the fact you can't see in the kitchen anymore. I don't like I would have. I would have loved that when I worked you know what it is? It's called being a slob it's like so, rather than clean, it's almost like clean up the mess or cover it up, and I think they just kind of covered it up is what they did.
Speaker 4:It's just, I don't know, man, it just and it's just like all all these, like like taco, bell and wendy's and all these places like they. They've gone through through like the, the design and the architecture of restaurants in the 80s and even into the early 90s was was just so much better, vibrant and vibrant, colorful, full of character and life. Now it's just like it's just nowadays.
Speaker 2:It kind of represents how things are now fucking drabby, full of angles and squares you know, I don't understand doing that too, because you want people to be happy when they come to your restaurant and when it's vibrant and colorful, your mood's better. But if you go in there and you're eating a fucking sandwich in a dark corner, they want you to get your food and get the fuck out is what they want yeah, they should want you to enjoy it, so you come back. They don't?
Speaker 4:they don't want you to come inside. It seems like there's a systematic shit going away from people sitting and enjoying the food. They want you to get it. Tap your fucking shit in the order, stand there and wait for it and get the fuck out of here. They even at post-covid, it seems that, like mcdonald's and all these other fast food restaurants, want you to use drive-thru or pickup or you know, or curbside or any of that stuff, because that way they can pump more orders through and more people through. You know it's itide or any of that stuff, because that way they could pump more orders through and more people through. You know it's. It's like that way.
Speaker 4:And then another thing they don't have to sit here and use manpower to clean up a lobby or clean up. Clean up at, you know, like tables and chairs and shit hell. They took the pot, the soda fountain, out of mcdonald's in the lobby. It's like now, wendy's has been doing that since day one, whatever, but mcdonald's in the lobby, it's like now, wendy's has been doing that since day one, whatever, but mcdonald's they, they put it out. Was it the early 90s? They put like soda out in the lobby. Now it's just one more thing they can control and they don't have to fuck with, and clean, but now they got to get our fucking drinks now they have to.
Speaker 4:Well, and I think that kind of goes back to they don't want you to stay there longer than one drink. They want you to get your initial soda and they don't want, they think it's an inconvenience for you to go up to the counter where there's no one. There's nobody ever up at that counter. Those kids, those people are behind that fucking wall and you have to stand there forever to get anyone's, especially if it's later in the night. You might as well forget it. You know it's not and you it's just whatever. And you know what I do. I call them just not, I, I just knock on the fucking I should bring a bell in no one of those ding ding ding, ding.
Speaker 4:Now to avoid all this, we could just go eat at home. But who wants to do that?
Speaker 2:yeah, but you know what?
Speaker 4:if everybody ate at home, there wouldn't be a mcdonald's, that's true yeah, so here's the you know, like, don't you hate when people fucking tell you that, though, like you go to a restaurant and you expect a certain type you you want good service. And then when you say, hey, I didn't get good service, everyone's reaction is, well, you could just eat at home. Yeah, I could have ate at home. But guess what? I have expendable income that you probably don't have, and I want to enjoy my expendable income at all at a restaurant oh well, so I could have ate at home, but you know what?
Speaker 2:but I did it. I don't have to, it's our, it's all right so bitter, I sound so bitter.
Speaker 4:No, I agree 100. I hate when people tell me that fuck you and your judgment yeah, it's like no.
Speaker 2:And you got three kids and you could have wore a condom. Fuck you douche who gives a shit.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's like yeah, I have okay, I have expectable income and I want to enjoy it where I want to enjoy it.
Speaker 2:This would be one of them sound clips.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry mr perfect, mr perfect, I forgot you don't make any mistakes.
Speaker 4:I was thinking of the whole time but if I go to like I, I know people are gonna be like whatever jerk off if I go to like cable guy. Jerk off if I go to like cheesecake factory or like or uh, longhorn or anywhere like it like a mid-scale kind of restaurant upper mid-scale yes, longhorn and texas roadhouse. A cheesecake factory to me is more of on the upper echelon of dining they are. They're a little, they're higher price and uh to me, I always get accessible service, so it is like olive garden another one.
Speaker 4:I. I love olive. I get great service. I always get great service at olive garden and it's like the sit-down restaurants are like just night and day from fast food restaurants and I get it. It's kind of they are different in a way. But you know what, to me you're still providing a service and you still want, if you, if I get good service, it's gonna make me want to come back to your establishment again.
Speaker 2:All right, let's do let's do the official john and jay, fast food and dine-in rankings so we have to do two separate ones.
Speaker 4:So we'll do what a fast food one and a and a yes, and a dining sit down okay.
Speaker 2:So let's, do you want to do fast food first? Yeah, let's do fast food first, okay so in. In our town we have um, let's go through. And we got arby's, we've got taco bell taco bell. We have burger king we have.
Speaker 4:We have panda express panda express.
Speaker 2:We have long john sil Silver's and KFC in the mix, then McDonald's.
Speaker 4:Leash Chicken.
Speaker 2:Leash Chicken Wendy's. Is there any other ones?
Speaker 4:As far as fast food, I think that's it. Yeah, I think that's everything. Wish we had a Hardee's still, but anyway.
Speaker 2:Nope, that's in upper now. Okay, so ranking that's seven of them. Okay, okay, food-wise.
Speaker 4:Okay, like food-wise.
Speaker 2:Okay, who's got the best quality in food, would you say, out of all those?
Speaker 4:I'm going to go. I really like Wendy's' food. It's always good.
Speaker 2:Wendy's is a really good one.
Speaker 4:Wendy's usually gives me fresh food whenever I go, and it's usually on the money. So I'll say Wendy's is my number one for quality.
Speaker 2:Okay, who's the worst in quality?
Speaker 4:Oh, who's the worst at quality Burger King Burger.
Speaker 1:King.
Speaker 4:Burger King hands down. Actually, I'll give Burger King some credit, though they actually really have come back lately, because the last few times I've been there the fries have actually been really good. Burger king fries are dog shit if they're cold. Mcdonald's I could muscle through them if they're cold, but burger king you forget about it. But I'll say, I'll say burger king, because I've gone through there a few times and it was just not very good I'd say food quality for me is a tie between lee's I was gonna put lee's as two.
Speaker 4:No, my number two or arby's.
Speaker 2:Arby's is always good shit I've never had bad, arby's good, I put.
Speaker 4:I put that as like third and then um lowest, for me would probably be mcdonald's I'm gonna be up there I'd say either mcdonald's or uh, or long john silvers I don't like seafood anyway, so it's kind of an na for me with long john silvers. But kfc is just not.
Speaker 2:I would say I put, I grouped them in the same category, just like yeah because no joke, like my problem with long john silvers and and I've talked to people that work there long john silvers and kfc when they're mixed together yeah when you order. If you look on the long john silver side you'll be like, oh cool, there's a fish and chicken basket. I want to get that. Okay cool because I get chicken from, hopefully, kfc and I get long john silvers fish, but it's.
Speaker 4:It's a long john silvers chicken, yeah and it is.
Speaker 1:That doesn't make sense I want kfc.
Speaker 2:Give me the kfc chicken now. If you take the kfc chicken and put it with the long john silver I'm fucking done. Why can't it do I, can't they do that? That steps the fucking game that doesn't make sense. It's literally right there what's the point mixing them if they can't mix them?
Speaker 4:well, I would. I would launch out silvers with the, with the kfc there provide its own chicken. That that that's. That's a mess, that's a huge mess.
Speaker 2:It is so like huge, unfortunately, with long john silvers chicken. They're not known for chicken. It's over breaded, it's very over breaded, it's so bad it's like that real cakey, fucking thick breading.
Speaker 4:I I hate it so but what would you constitute as five guys? A sit-down restaurant or fast food? God, it's kind of a hybrid.
Speaker 2:I would say sit-down, I would say, if you're calling Panda Express, if you're calling fast food, fast food, you need to call five guys, guys, fast food, oh, it'd be like raising canes and chick-fil-a and stuff too.
Speaker 4:Yeah but I'm talking about around here, dude, oh, oh, just in tiffin. Oh, I thought we were talking about in general no, if we're going in general dude I'm going, let's do it I like captain d's a lot I've never had. I say I'm not a big seafood guy, so, um, there's not even a captain d's in finley anymore, is there? Yeah, oh, it's still there. Yeah, you sure, I think so. I could have swore. I drove by it on 224 and it's not long ago this is like not too long ago.
Speaker 4:I'm pretty sure it's something else now, because it was there or maybe I'm wrong, a couple months ago, oh maybe, okay, maybe I'm thinking of something else man?
Speaker 2:I hope not. I mean it's disappointing. I just ruined jay's night, but um, I wouldn't put that number one, but like I'd say, let's do it overall kind of overall. Overall my favorite fast food god dude, that's tough because it's, there's rallies, it's really good rally five for quality. It's five guys 110 I'd say my favorite is probably raisin canes raisin canes is okay, I fucking love raisin canes with that garlic bread dude.
Speaker 4:Oh my god, I always double. Do you do anything better than I hate coleslaw? So I always double up on the bread.
Speaker 2:So oh, dude, and it's fucking amazing, then you dip that shit, you know people are always like, oh, the the chicken's mid, I go.
Speaker 4:Well, I think they do that on purpose because, like they don't season it, they don't season the breading. I go. I think that's done by design to let the the uh sauce come through, because I think the sauce is kind of the one of the key components and, yeah, if you just eat the chicken fingers like by themselves, yeah, it's a little bland.
Speaker 2:I would say grand total, like I would even I would put chick-fil-a next.
Speaker 3:Oh, yeah, I love, I love five guys five guys is amazing.
Speaker 2:It's expensive it is it is a little pricey but it's worth it. It's really good. Like for quick burger. It's probably one of the best burgers you can get quickly, you know yeah um, they sit there and they hand smash it they chick-fil-a is fucking like chicken sandwich with the pickles and shit good holy balls, dude.
Speaker 2:So and then raising canes got the chicken. Oh man, I love raising kings number one. You already know we're ohio state fans. Going into raising canes it's like oh yeah, they got like a ohio state fucking yeah, they're sponsoring, they sponsor.
Speaker 4:Oh, that's right they do, don't they?
Speaker 2:and then they also have disco balls in the ceiling, that shit dude, I think it's neat, but it'd be five guys one chick-fil-a, two.
Speaker 4:Um, I like raisin canes, but they don't really crack my top four per se. Um, I would say leashed chicken is like three. Uh, yeah, that would be my top three, but yeah, but I like raisin canes, so it's, it's pretty good yeah, I'd say, uh, I'd say raising canes overall, what? What do you hate overall? Like well, as far as the worst, yeah, like the worst, like what's a place.
Speaker 2:You just really quality wise, I would say. I would say quality wise, I have to be mcdonald's bro. Yeah, it really is, and maybe I don't know if that's due to me like, because that's what we ate a lot as kids. Yeah, we like we work mcdonald's bro, yeah it really is, and maybe I don't know if that's due to me like, because that's what we ate a lot as kids. Yeah, we like we work.
Speaker 4:Mcdonald's tasted better, as maybe it's just our palates have changed.
Speaker 2:I think you just never know what you're gonna get. Are you gonna get?
Speaker 4:stale fries are you?
Speaker 2:gonna get good fries. Is your burger gonna be fresh? Is it gonna be shit? Now, here's the difference. Okay, different times of day is different. Mcdonald's breakfast s tier always hits fucking it's always good and I'm gonna say this I don't think you're not a big fan of the croissant, which are you at burger king.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it just tastes so fake I fucking love the I'm not saying, I don't like it I'm just saying it compared to mcdonald's all the breakfast and fast food.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna say like all of them are really you like wendy's, you like wendy's, I do I do. What about taco bell's breakfast?
Speaker 4:taco bell's breakfast is really good to see to me if I'm out and about in a morning where I'm actually for once out and about in the morning, and if I gotta choose breakfast, I'm going to mcdonald's 100 of the time. What do you get? What do I get? Bagel, sandwich, steak, egg and cheese. Oh, I can't do the steak cake anymore. I get like the. They actually have a sausage, egg and cheese bagel now nice, and I get that sometimes or I'll sausage egg mcmuffin I love, I love those dude.
Speaker 2:I was addicted to those for a while.
Speaker 4:I gotta have to get if I feel real froggy like, if I feel their hot cakes on man, I was just gonna say I was. I get a fucking big breakfast with hot cakes. If I feel really like, if I don't really want to eat a bunch of like bagels and stuff and kind of sticks to you. But the thing is like those bagel sandwiches they stick to you man.
Speaker 2:Oh, dude, the steak, egg and cheese bagel is so fucking good, my wife is Remember the Spanish bagel Spanish.
Speaker 4:Oh God, the Spanish bagel was so good.
Speaker 2:My mom.
Speaker 4:Spanish bagel was so good. My mom used to get that all the time. I did too. So good, I love that man. What the you? We could talk all day this is about food. We can talk all day about mcdonald's breakfast. Now sit down restaurant.
Speaker 2:Okay, so before we go there, okay, that's quality of food okay, service, service oh least chicken, who the best service?
Speaker 4:best service? Hey, that, whatever I go to, least chicken, they're they. They, they greet you very, very, very nice. You know, they're always like no, I could have said chipotle too.
Speaker 2:Chipotle is pretty. Oh, we forgot about chipotle.
Speaker 4:It's way down on my list because I hate chipotle.
Speaker 2:Chipotle, that's just preference it's probably probably be my number one and that's personal preference subway you got subway too.
Speaker 4:Subway's pretty quick jimmy johns used to be high up there to me, but now they've really they've come out of delivery yeah, they've come down a few notches. It's a delivery sucks. It sucks if it were, if they deliver they call so they're like oh yeah, we don't have a driver. Do you want to come get it? Um no, that's why. That's why you guys have freaky fast delivery. Why the fuck would I do that?
Speaker 2:is it freaky fast. If I go get it, it's freaky fucking you it's should. Is it freaking free? It's freaky free it's a freaking free if I have to come get it.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, chipotle is um. I do like the, like the alt, like the sub joints, like the hot sub places, like uh oh, like penn state station I've never had uh like jersey mics.
Speaker 4:I've always wanted to have jersey mics is phenomenal um, there's a place in columbus area called charlie's but there's one in tower city mall, cleveland and I get that every time and it's so good, it's like a. It's a local like hot sub joint, kind of like uh penn station. Yeah, remember quiznos. You're in quiznos. I've never had, never had quiz no, they love. They went out of business, I know yeah right, I never got a chance to eat them so then they have one in finley and one in finley yeah, and then they bounced so it was over by, like pet supplies, yeah, somewhere around something.
Speaker 4:Yeah, by the game, stop that's not there in it. Ev games boutiques, electronic boutiques I love it but um, okay, so, okay.
Speaker 2:So yours is lee's top what's?
Speaker 4:your bottom service. Oh, bottom sir. You know what wendy's like they. Like I said, it's like they. They act like I'm inconveniencing them. They're all like stupid too. Now I'll give honorable mention to taco bell, because they're doing this whole.
Speaker 4:I don't know if you've been to taco bell lately they're starting to kind of do this chick-fil-a thing now, where it's like they're like they have an automated, they had an auto greener. It's like hi, I hope you're having a burrito full day today. What can I get you to start? And I'm like, oh, okay, used to be like hey, how's it going, whenever that's used to be their greeting back then like, hey, what's up? Or hey, how's it going. Yeah, I'm like you know what? No one's really ever asked me that before I go you know what. Doing pretty good, man. Um, how are you? You know it's like wow. So they're always like, oh, it's a burrito full day today. What would? It's like wow. So they're always like, oh, it's a burrito full day today. What would you? It's like, uh, can I get a blah, blah, blah, can I substitute the ground beef for chicken? And then they're like absolutely, you can. I'm like okay, thank you. You know that they're doing that Like Wendy's Want anything else, anything else, anything else, taco Bell.
Speaker 4:They're like sure, you can have that. Sure, that's absolutely fine. Would you like to round up 35 cents today for the? No, I don't want to do that. Would you like any fire?
Speaker 2:sauce. Would you like to round 35 cents? No, to save the nignugs of Afghanistan. No, the dune coons about you how about this?
Speaker 3:how about you, dude? I just learned that the other day dune, coons, dude coots. That's what somebody said the other day. Oh my god, I couldn't believe it, dude?
Speaker 2:I'm like that's horrible. They're like yeah, I guess somebody was talking about their grandpa and they said said that, they say that that's what they call Afghanistan people.
Speaker 4:Now, Chick-fil-A is the number one with customer satisfaction Bar done. Do you agree with that?
Speaker 2:Chick-fil-A. I don't go there very often. Oh, you don't go.
Speaker 4:Oh, me and Kerry go there all the time. We don't want to it, almost seems to me, because they do that, oh, it's my pleasure. See, is it to me because they do that, oh, it's my pleasure, it's my pleasure. Kind of seems condescending a little bit. Be like it's my pleasure, oh, is it. Are you queer?
Speaker 2:I don't like you.
Speaker 4:Is it your pleasure? I like the gays. Why don't you tell me exactly how you fucking feel right now? And don't tell me it'd be your pleasure because I could see your eyes. I could look into your eyes and I could tell you were having a fucking miserable day. Actually, no, I want. I look at those workers when they're working at chick-fil-a and they're like the happiest fucking people because I think they get paid a pretty decent salary oh yeah, over in finland, yeah, and they're always like I.
Speaker 4:I just you can kind of observe the way how how restaurants work, just by kind of observing, because we've been there, we know how it is. I watch like their operation and first of all, it's a well-oiled machine, number one, number two, everyone is just chill, everyone's just doing their job, everyone's smiling and laughing and I don't know whether that's just a facade or whether these people are really having a good time, but it seems to me people are generally liking their jobs. Hell, they get every sunday off anyway.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, I think me service wise. I think I have to agree with john lee's. Um, like I said, they, they uh, here in town, dude, they're always back there, they're always communicating, they're always, they're always really there to help you.
Speaker 4:Um whoever works the lunch shift, if you are listening I don't know if you are, but if you're on the lunch shift for leaks, I go for lunch a lot at least. Yeah, you guys are the best. Like there's a gentleman there and another like dude and they're like really nice, like super friendly, and they're like hey, how was it? How's it going today? Oh, that'll be 10 58, thank you, you know, it's like, you know I'll have a. You know, it's just, it's the small things, but it's just like yeah, sure, you know it's very upbeat personalities that I I gravitate to when it comes to like food service or service in general, like you don't have to lay it all thick, like hey, sir, you know you don't have to do that, but you know it's just a little.
Speaker 2:A little attitude goes a long way worst, I would say worst I'm gonna go with the same thing mcdonald's yeah, mc fucking donald's.
Speaker 4:It is heinous. Um mcdonald's is on your shit list, I'm not kidding dude um.
Speaker 2:I think there was one night where we were all meeting djs because we lost.
Speaker 4:Did you wait a really long time?
Speaker 2:we were waiting like almost two hours two hours.
Speaker 4:That doesn't seem right. I would have walked up there because they don't give a fuck man.
Speaker 2:None of them do. I don't give a shit.
Speaker 4:How can you wait two hours for food at a mcdonald's? That doesn't make sense.
Speaker 2:That's so to me we're sitting there and I'm like my brain is like dude, if I wouldn't already paid, I would have left. You know, like if I was waiting for the bill to come, I would have fucking walked. Now, that's insane. But like to me, like, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that's every time, but it's. You know, people don't focus on the good times, they focus on the bad. Yeah, and the problem is that was really fucking bad.
Speaker 2:If I would have sat at a sit-down restaurant, I would have never sat there that long, right you know sure so I'm sitting here at mcdonald's talking to my djs and their order and everything else and I'm like, fuck me dude, what the fuck is taking so long. I would have walked up there and said something good lord, I could have went to fremont and ordered my food there and drove back to the tiffin store and ate it there before they would have had my fucking food done. You know what a minute it's ridiculous.
Speaker 4:So, oh, we haven't done sit-down restaurants yet, but, um, we're gonna take a little break first, so we're gonna. We're gonna come back with that list. We're gonna come back, we're gonna talk about this turned into a restaurant episode. But who cares? I kind of love it dude I like it, it's fun uh, so we're gonna you're gonna listen to this and we're gonna come and we're gonna talk about sit down restaurant, so we'll be back. Yeah, come back or die.
Speaker 3:This speech is my recital. Let's jam some Billy Idol to rock. All right, that's right. All time it's sticky. Here's the title, here we go.
Speaker 1:It's sticky to rock. Arrive Cock full of slime, that's right, right on time, it's sticky, it's sticky Sticky, icky Icky. It's sticky to rock. A ride for pull out time. Not right on time, it's sticky, st-st-st-sticky, icky Sticky.
Speaker 2:I met this little girlie Her pubes was kinda curly Went to her house not in her mouth. I had to come real early. These girls are really sleazy. They listen to Young Jeezy. I'll spend some time at Rock-A-ribe.
Speaker 1:My undies say just squeeze me it's sticky to rock-a-ribe cock full of slime. That's right on time, it's sticky. It's sticky, sticky, icky, icky. It's sticky to rock-a-ribe for pull-out time. Not right on time, it's sticky, tricky sticky sticky in New York.
Speaker 3:The people talk, they try to make some crime. They really talk, but we want gawk Cause we have no time In the city, show your titty, cause they just can't hide. Tinted windows mean nothing. Suck this dick with pride.
Speaker 1:It's sticky to rock a ride. Cock full of slime, that's right. All time it's sticky, it's sticky, sticky, icky, ick sticky, it's sticky. It's sticky to rock a ride For pull out time, not ride off time. It's sticky, tricky.
Speaker 3:When I wake up I'm kicked, make up fucking all of the time. I'm not singing dick be slinging cause I'm loaded with slime. I'm not bragging bitches gagging cause they be like in my car, always staring puss be tearing, think they're going too far. A girl named Carol follows Daryl gig we on. Then D dissed her and dismissed her. Now she jocking John, I ain't lying Girls be crying cause I got a thick three they want smothered by my butter inside their pink sleeves.
Speaker 1:It's sticky to rock a ride. Packed full of slime, that's right. All time it's sticky, it's sticky, sticky, icky, icky. It's sticky to rock a ride for pull out time Not right, all time it's sticky, it's sticky. It's sticky to rock a ride For pull out time, not ride. All time it's sticky, tricky.
Speaker 3:We are not thugs, we don't use drugs. But you assume on your own.
Speaker 4:They offer coke and lots of dope, but we ask for some dome. It's like that y'all and we don't quit.
Speaker 3:You want this cock shock, rise your shit yeah, tricky dick I want to smother you in, mrs Butterworth.
Speaker 1:Yo, what's up. Welcome back to the.
Speaker 3:Best Freaking Podcast. It's every day with John and Jay baby.
Speaker 2:Listen, you don't keep listening. I'm coming over to your house and licking your wife's asshole, sticking my tongue up on your dirt button.
Speaker 3:You got that motherfucker. Now check it out hey, what's up?
Speaker 2:everybody, welcome back to it's every day yo yo with john and jay, yo, yo, yo, yo. So finally my alexa this morning okay recognized. It's every day with john and jay about time.
Speaker 4:Yeah, fucking bitch so we were, we're, we're talking about restaurants today for some reason and because it's awesome and uh, we were talking about fast food restaurants. Now we're gonna talk about, like, sit down restaurants. To me, this is a little bit more nuanced, because obviously, let's do Tiffin only. Just our hometown first.
Speaker 2:And then do the large scale.
Speaker 4:So I'll let you go first. Okay, best and worst all around, because this one we can do food and service, all right, let's do worst first. And Tiffin, when it was here it was denny's. No doubt I I never had. I never really had good experiences at denny's, but we don't have the denny's anymore, so the worst boy for sit down restaurants tj willies, because I waited outside that place for four hours the other day because they're close.
Speaker 4:They're close too um it's tough because I really I've really never had. Denny's was definitely like one and then everybody else is like here, but, like I said, denny's is not here. Um big boys. I've always had good experiences at bob, at bob evans. I'm, bob evans is kind of I agree with.
Speaker 2:I agree with you on that one.
Speaker 4:Bob evans has been a lot better now. It was shaky for a while but for a while.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm like wow, cool one I got a drink.
Speaker 4:I remember I got a drink and it didn't get refilled the whole fucking time that's a good point because to me, one of the key factors I I would wait forever for something or for food if it's busy. To me, if you can't keep my drink full, that's your points, that's points dot, because that I don't know why. That's to me that's a barometer of a good server is keep now you go to a really good place, you have that halfway drink. They'll come by with a fresh one and take it away. First time that ever happened to me was at Cheesecake Factory and it blew my fucking mind because I was like I wasn't done with that Dude. I took a drink, I sat it down. That waiter gave me a fresh one and took that one away. I'm like what the that's.
Speaker 2:Gave me a fresh one, took that one away. I'm like what the that's?
Speaker 4:service, that is service.
Speaker 2:I gave that dude a nice tip, so yeah, to me that's a huge and the only reason I'm not saying Bob Evans now, but Bob Evans has had plus their food their food is it's very my brother used to work there and he said it's a lot of microwaving yeah.
Speaker 4:So it's like well, that cheddar baked potato soup's really good it is. It's so good it is. There's some good stuff at bob evans their. Their chicken fingers are really funny yeah, their burgers ain't all like fire sauce.
Speaker 2:Oh, the wildfire sauce oh, dude, they're banana nut bread oh my god, dude, I want some banana nut bread. Right now, dude, five bucks for that loaf. Dude, rather, if you ever go there, rather than getting an appetizer for the whole table, just get one of those loaves, that's a good five bucks, cut it everybody gets to eat one uh.
Speaker 4:So yeah, I'd say bob evans was kind of it's kind of shaky honestly, it's not bad, it's just just that everything else is better.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know.
Speaker 4:Now too, maybe people would say that Frisch's Big Boys is kind of on the same level as I always have great service at Frisch's Big Boys.
Speaker 2:I love Frisch's.
Speaker 4:I love Frisch's it's my go-to and their food's always good. It's fresh. It's not going to crack my like top five of good, but it's definitely not in my bottom five, so it's it's. It's a reliable, reasonably priced meal and I always have a good. I always, uh buffalo wild wings. They've actually been kind of climbing up my radar or my list because I'm not a big fan of their wings. I'm not, it's just I get their chunks. That's fine, and I'm not I I I get them bare because, then I'm not disappointed on how much now.
Speaker 4:Here's the thing. Now, people, you go to b-dubs and it's more for the atmosphere, necessarily. I go to watch for the food, right, it's for the atmosphere. But here's the thing. They have a patty melt there and it is amazing, their burgers are burgers are good what did their burgers become? So damn, I fucking smacked my finger.
Speaker 3:Fuck, I just went. Numb dude it's just dead.
Speaker 4:I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune oh, fucking a no, you're good bro. So we had uh, we got a door dash um gift card from carrie's nephew for christmas and we used it on. I was like, well, let's get something we haven't gotten in a long time and, cares, let's do b-dubs. Carrie's like, oh, they got a patty melt. I'm like, oh, that sounds kind of good. And we got it.
Speaker 2:It was phenomenal yeah it was phenomenal you know what I do. When did their burgers become so good? You should go, like you guys should go with me on thursday. Okay, you know what th do. When did their burgers become so good? You? Should go, Like you guys should go with me on Thursday. Okay, you know what Thursday is buy one, get one free on their chicken chunks.
Speaker 4:Oh, okay, Don't they have one for their burger too? They do a night like that for their burgers. I don't know. I'll have to look. I thought it was like Wednesdays or something.
Speaker 2:Might be Wednesdays. I get their chunks with no sauce and I can dip it, you know, because dude their chunks with no sauce like those.
Speaker 4:They taste like Arby's chicken nuggets, those chicken nuggets, but they're fucking good as far as like worst, okay, best, who is your best, the best in Tiffin, in Tiffin, favorite Casa Fiesta, oh, casa Express, casa Express. I mean yeah, casa Express, casa Express, I mean yeah, casa Express. Food and service.
Speaker 2:I match yours, your worst, with Bob Evans, my favorite. Okay, I have two, One's for breakfast and one's for any other time of the day.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 2:My favorite breakfast place hands down best service and food and everything else is the deli.
Speaker 1:I fucking love the deli they take care of you.
Speaker 2:They make sure your coffee's filled at all times. They're just really awesome, plus like um the owner that's a good hell.
Speaker 4:The owner cooks your food for you.
Speaker 2:That's a good spot dinner, you know, and has been my favorite for years and will never, ever change, because there is no service compared to this place.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:And the food is excellent. Mst.
Speaker 1:Yep.
Speaker 2:There's no place that can match the service of Madison Street. Does not matter, because you do have a waiter that's tied to your table, but he's not the only one taking care of you. If your drink is empty, somebody else will grab your drink and get it filled for you. They take care of you as well yeah, their food is really, and I'm sorry, but their food's really good and their service is top. The problem is they're almost they're almost too busy it's.
Speaker 4:That's what deters me away from mst it is that it's too busy, and and it's, that's just shows you. Uh, was it? Uh? Gordon ram Ramsey said that a testament to a good restaurant isn't how good or isn't how filled your dining room is on Saturday, but how filled it is on Monday or Tuesday or any weekday.
Speaker 1:And they are filled.
Speaker 4:They are always filled, it is really good On Saturday if you're not waiting in line because they open a little later on Saturdays, like what, 3 o'clock or something like that 4 o'clock.
Speaker 4:If you're not waiting in line at 4 o'clock to get in for the dinner service, you might as well forget about it, or you're going to be waiting an hour and a half two hours. So that's one thing that kind of deters me. Away from msd is like they're too good and people, it's the worst kept secret in this town, so it's, I mean, that's just a test of it to chase and them and everybody's uh, just how good they are.
Speaker 2:I would say mad, no joke. Madison street, probably my number one food spot. I love it. Um, I do like casa express. That's a great one too.
Speaker 4:The owner of casa is really cool too and he's like he always talks to me and carrie now because we're, we're always, we go there all the time, so he's always like it to me. I love that. I love when owners take the initiative to come chat with customers, even though they're just doing this to kind of build relations. To me it's a it's.
Speaker 2:It's just it makes you feel like a wanted customer and that's what we had at Son of Thurman's on fucking Friday.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, friday Okay.
Speaker 2:We went to Son of Thurman's, or was it Friday or Saturday? Yeah, son of Thurman's Saturday, and we have a group of 12. Like, we have a lot of people, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:So the owner of Son of Thurman's came. I've never there four or five times, okay, I didn't know the owner. And he came out and he come over and started talking to us. He's like how was everything? I said, dude, my sister, dude, and my sister-in-law were like this is the best burger I've had in my fucking life, dude, because, dude, it's thick, but it's fucking perfect. I'll tell you, dude, perfect.
Speaker 4:Let me say perfect, I'll tell you, dude.
Speaker 2:Perfect. Let me say this.
Speaker 4:I cheated on my diet for that bitch. If Ohio State wins the national championship, are we going to go to the celebration at the shoe?
Speaker 2:I'm 100% going to go.
Speaker 4:Okay, so if we do that, we're going to Sun and Thermos. We should go to Sun and Thermos to eat 100%.
Speaker 2:You going to do Thermonade, you going to do a Thermonade, you going to try it.
Speaker 4:No, absolutely not. You should try it once. But I will get a burger, though. You should try it once. No way, dude, I'll throw up Just take it home.
Speaker 2:You don't have to eat it all. No, I can't, but it's $30. That fucker's like this tall bro it's crazy.
Speaker 4:That's insane.
Speaker 2:AJ got an Italian sub and he's like you know you think damn motherfucker was like this, tall and that fucking long. If you leave there hungry, that's your own damn fault.
Speaker 4:That sounds like my mother-in-law.
Speaker 2:Yep. But, so anyway. So overall what's?
Speaker 4:your favorite place.
Speaker 2:Oh, like outside.
Speaker 4:Outside of the confines of our little humble Northwest Ohio town. That's tough, son of thurman's. You mentioned that, but I don't know what you think about that uh, I love son of thurman's smokies is probably my favorite smokies is one of my favorites place is good um the pies and everything make it worth it. Um, I should. I I don't know if I told you this, but I should not have ate that pie because I was. I was not feeling very good after I.
Speaker 4:I overate, fucking love I overate, so bad I was this close for cheesecake. I was this close to throw it up, dude. I swear to god, I was like I'm not saying that that's my fault because I I ate way too much and it's like I was like I gotta have this fucking pie we're gonna eat fucking with them. We're fucking with them, dudes with the fucking track.
Speaker 4:Touch the dude box, dude I love cheesecake factory and I know a lot of people think it's mid and it's like they're the master of they're, they're they. A lot of people think their menu's too large and that's. Those are valid criticisms, but I just I love that's like one of me and my wife's favorite places to go and they have really good food. The one thing I don't like about them is that the way their seating arrangement is and I call it couples row, so they have like a long, long bench with tables and then they have these really uncomfortable, fucking long like these kind of chairs and I hate them. Now when I was 60 pounds heavier I couldn't fit in them, but now I can fit in them. But it's like you are literally from me to you on this table. That's how far the next person is and I hated that.
Speaker 4:Carrie. Look, carrie, can my wife can make friends with anybody because she's very outgoing, very person. She, she'll sit down and she'll see somebody. She goes. That looks really good. I think I'm gonna have that like carrie don't talk, they're trying to eat, she goes and and a quick antidote. So we're sitting there talking and we got uh, inadvertently, I think we went there for carrie's birthday and the waiter because this is how good our waiter was wrote out like happy birthday and chocolate syrup on carrie's cheesecake and put like extra things on and all this stuff. And the people next to us there's like the uh, this lady, a couple ladies, and they're like, oh, that looks so cute. Carrie's like, yeah, it's my birthday. They're like, oh, happy birthday. And the lady's like, where are you from? We're from tiffin. She's like we're from tiffin too. I'm like, oh christ, so like it's just just my wife and this is but to me.
Speaker 4:It's like I don't want to like talk to people when I'm eating. I don't, I don't like that. I want to enjoy my meal with who I'm with. I don't want to have to go. Yeah, can I have a fry? Thanks, bud. You know what's up? I don't know. This is that's the one.
Speaker 2:Knock on the joint yeah, I don't me, I, I, uh, I like cheesecake factory and I used to love it for the cheesecake and go and eat that yeah but after eating the cheesecake at the fucking turntable I'm just like no, I'm good, I I gotta try this I'm not kidding, bro it is just if you go, you can even just go for dessert, go somewhere else or whatever.
Speaker 2:But if you eat the food, the food's pretty good too. But it's a little pricey. But the cheesecake is 15 each but it is well worth every damn penny. Man, I would invest in that fucking shit. It's so goddamn good it should be illegal. It's so fucking good man. Now I want that really bad.
Speaker 4:Oh my god bro uh, texas roadhouse is top three to me. I've never had a bad meal there I love texas roadhouse now. I had longhorn steakhouse not too long ago. It was okay, I was fine, I just like now, okay. So to me in big chain outback, I hate, I do not like outback, horrible fucking they're. They're down on my list, they they close so it don't matter. But to me it's like okay, I loved all back.
Speaker 4:I did not like it. I didn't like their food, I didn't like their service. I didn't like it.
Speaker 2:Oh, man, when I they had some of the best service I ever had, but it wasn't in ohio. Oh okay, I was down in Mississippi and I'm not kidding. Okay, so you know me. I used to drink iced tea like it's going out of style. So, no joke, I got a sweet tea and I was drinking it. It was in Mississippi, so it's humid and I'm fucking sweating.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So I'm drinking the shit out of this stuff, I'm not kidding. The girl had to come back every half a second to fucking fill my glass because I was fucking drinking. You know, it gets to the point where they cups, they bring a pitcher.
Speaker 4:They did that to carry one time, not outback, but somewhere where we went carrie was just chugging soda. They just brought the pitcher and sat it there like well dude michael dude.
Speaker 2:She was michael myers around the bushing me the whole time like walking by looking, checking my cup because, dude, I drank like eight glasses of iced tea, holy shit yeah, but dude, they're blooming onion. God the blooming onion, but they have that at texas roadhouse.
Speaker 4:It's way better in my opinion, but way better albeck made it first, I'm sure they win. Uh, longhorn to me gets a couple knocks. Number one they don't have prime rib, which to me was kind of a deal killer, how are you a steakhouse? Yeah and I thought their prices were a little little too crazy for me. Now what I do give longhorn a lot of credit.
Speaker 2:I forgot to talk about pioneer mill here in tiffin as well they're okay, they're not bad this is the only steakhouse we have in tiffin I can't well, which really sucks the place of mohawk, but that's oh ironwood yeah, ironwood's phenomenal, it's really good if you have now.
Speaker 4:If you're not gonna drink, it's still gonna. It's gonna cost you about 100 bucks, but we don't have like a really like decent, like family level, beside which we had our ponderosa still little ryan's dude, ponderosa was the shit yeah, I miss ponderosa still one down in columbus, we could just skip the fucking.
Speaker 2:Oh, we could go to ponderosa good, go to sun and thurman's on our way and then go to ponderosa on the way back.
Speaker 4:jesus, I don't know now like I'll be pretty presumptuous on this, but like I don't know if my old man's going to go, because I don't know if he can stand out in the cold that long because he's getting up in years. Now me, I can still do it, my brother will. I hope he does, and I don't know.
Speaker 2:He might not be able to do the stairs either. He can't.
Speaker 4:I'm going to guarantee you he's probably not going to be able to do it, because he's been sick and his heart's just not the way it used to be. Well, he's been sick and his heart's just not the way it used to be, and it's just yeah, Well, he grandpa Joda's the other night when fucking Sawyer ran.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I looked at my right and there's my dad. I'm like, yeah, I wouldn't give him a big hug Fucking.
Speaker 4:I've never seen my my dad doesn't get up for like big play.
Speaker 2:Now me, I'm just like I'm like, yeah, he's like he stood up. He's like I wonder if life, if I could see I'm living in life. I got a golden ticket. I gotta go the chance to win the natty because dude that poor floor dude was taking hits, bro, from your brother throwing his phone halfway across the room.
Speaker 4:Yeah, he gets up, his phone launches across the room. You know I'm up, you're you get up. I like I said, the the biggest shock. I look to my right, there's my dad. I'm like, hey, welcome to above ground. My dad can't get up. He can't get out of his chair fast enough.
Speaker 2:We were talking about the electric chair.
Speaker 4:Yeah, having it on ready, like when we're old and we're watching Ohio State. Yeah, touchdown, hold on.
Speaker 2:I'll be asleep. Yeah, Jay's I'm pretty happy with myself. I haven't fallen asleep in the past three, four games.
Speaker 4:That chair that you, that my parents, give you to sit in, doesn't really lend you the opportunity to sleep. Oh, I could pass out.
Speaker 2:You could pass out that old fucking wooden chair, I could pass out in it it'd be hard because my neck your neck would be obliterated. I'd have to lean against the arm and just put my hand down head down like that.
Speaker 4:But yeah, I could pass out dude, there's not really a chair that I can't sleep in that was the chair I used to sit in, but I when you're punished.
Speaker 4:That was actually my grandpa's chair in his office back in the day oh really yeah, actually the two chairs that we sit in the green chair that I sit in was from my mom's, for my grandparents on my mom's side that said it's, that chair is over like 90 years old holy shit, yeah, for real, it's antique. And the one you sit in was from my grandfather, from his office. So that's kind of history with those chairs. So, whatever, that's pretty cool, man, we're gonna pecker, slap them global gym assholes, notre dame that dyke can play that dyke can play.
Speaker 4:They don't let dykes play at notre dame. Oh, I don't know a lot of the ohio state players can play for notre dame because they're all, but they're all churchy and shit. I saw that I want to give thanks to god and without him, like how people are bit dude, okay.
Speaker 2:so let me ask you this dude, is it real? And I've seen a couple of posts, but I haven't really dug into it.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Is there really an Oregon player fucking trying to petition the NCAA to have Ohio State play them again?
Speaker 4:No.
Speaker 2:Is that real.
Speaker 3:No, it ain't.
Speaker 4:Is that fucking no because I've seen other like hoax kind of posts, social media posts where I've seen a multiple. The coach from like the oregon coach is trying to petition the ncaa to get their to reprimand ohio state's cheerleaders for wearing oh no, it's tennessee's coach. Tennessee's coach said that he was there's players were distracted by the Ohio State cheerleaders. They were wearing track suits. What the fuck are you talking about?
Speaker 2:Yeah, but it was Gray Sweatpants Day.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of that. You can see his whoppy flopper flopping around in there. There's a lot of that going around. How are we supposed?
Speaker 2:to play ball when he's over there playing ball.
Speaker 4:Yeah, so I wouldn't put any much stock in that. But it's my mom. I go. They're like I want to give, you know, thanks to god and the glory. Without him I go gotta do anything. I go quit giving him thanks. My mom's like, oh, like stop it.
Speaker 1:I want to give thanks to god and all glory because now they've done it hey, whatever, if God gets them, hey listen.
Speaker 4:If that brings the team together and they play better because of that cool Dude, if God gets them to the end zone.
Speaker 2:I'm totally fine If.
Speaker 4:God brings Ohio State a national championship cool, I'm all for that, awesome. It seems that God doesn't have anything better to do than to grace upon the Ohio State University the ability to play football, even though we got suffering cancer kids everywhere, but you know what? Well, we got raging wildfires in California, but you know what? If Ohio State football players could play football, that's his priority.
Speaker 2:And I'm okay with that. You know who won the Texas game for us.
Speaker 4:Who's that?
Speaker 2:I'm going to tell you straight up, single-handedly before the game even began, it was over, Corso, Corso because he picked against us the. Corso curse the Corso curse Thank you.
Speaker 4:I think he actually has a winning record when he picks us. To be honest with you.
Speaker 2:You know, let me look that up real quick. How many times has corso been wrong corso record? I do like pat mcafee, I'm not gonna lie dude, I love that guy, dude.
Speaker 4:He reminds me of a wrestler. He is a wrestler, is he? He's done wrestling stuff, okay, oh wow, this is lee corso. Has a record of 43 wins and 14 losses when picking the ohio state buck guys. Is that interesting? That's what about all together on everybody, like on A record of 43 wins and 14 losses when picking the Ohio State Buckeyes. Isn't that interesting? That's crazy. What about all together on everybody, like on everybody.
Speaker 2:What's Lee Corso's Lee Corso record?
Speaker 4:Overall headgear. Of course, his first pick was Ohio State. Back in the day he's 284 and 142. 284 wins and 142 losses, 66.67% wedding percentage.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know, it still sucks. That's better than half. You know I missed that, you know. Oh, did you like that cover I fucking showed you today? Was that not badass, that NCAAa? Oh, dude, I, I love that.
Speaker 4:I would have creamed my fucking pants.
Speaker 2:I wish, I wish that was remember they used to do that back yeah, they did like they used to have regional, regional covers I remember when, like on in on ncaa lee corso, they'd show game day, college game day, yeah, and he would choose yeah, yep yeah, he would put on like the mascot head for you. I like the one where he's like fuck it yeah, it's dead, they got us when he did that, oh fuck it on live tv.
Speaker 4:Instead you got them nodding the eye and sweat pants and stuff. So it's like whatever. But I fucking hate. You know, I don't feel. You know I wasn't as furious when I saw that that's how every everybody's band looks like, so I guess they just really all of them do script ohio.
Speaker 2:Well, they don't. All of them look like they're in their sweatsuits.
Speaker 4:They look like they're in their sweats, so it's like they don't look like band uniforms. So I guess they had to cut corners somewhere. It is a lot to put into it.
Speaker 2:It is.
Speaker 4:I know, it's just like.
Speaker 2:They should have done two discs, one to load and then one to play. That would have been legit. I hope maybe next year they can. Madden is. I love Madden. So far, dude, I've been playing the fuck out of that. It's a lot better when you can bring your character in, going into Madden and just playing it sucks, I mean, if you already got Skid in the game.
Speaker 4:You already got a character that's already ready to go and you've already built that guy from NCAA through to Madden. I can see the incentive on playing and getting him through that game. I get the replayability, but it's just not great to me. It's just bleh I like it.
Speaker 2:This year I've taken the uh, I've taken the jets to two super bowls in a row the jets, the jets. You know who I have on drafted by the jets yes, oh, okay yeah, I did really good on the combine and then they uh, the jets drafted me in the first round and I was like fuck, I don't want to go to the Jets. So I've got Garrett Wilson, brees Hall, malachi, corley, and then I still have Mike Williams because they didn't update the rosters for some reason.
Speaker 2:Nice, so Mike Williams is still on there. Then I had Tyler lockett this last year tyler lockett too. And then I got donovan people's jones I just got him okay that's not an awful receiving court
Speaker 4:no dude, it's actually pretty fucking good yeah that's pretty solid, uh, skill guys, breeze hill, breeze hall's really good I made him a star dude.
Speaker 2:I got him into the. Uh, he's got x factor and shit. Okay, because I'm got X Factor and shit now. Because I'm giving him the runs and shit. I'm like I'm not giving him runs. I'm giving him the plays, dude, he's fucking running over everybody. Okay, nice, my quarterback's just ridiculous, but it's because I do the same play over.
Speaker 4:J-E-T-S Jets, jets, jets.
Speaker 2:They do that on the game.
Speaker 4:They have the fireman guy on there doing the J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets.
Speaker 1:No, they just have the crowd, they just have the crowd doing it.
Speaker 4:Okay, but yeah.
Speaker 2:Browns when you play the Browns, it's like bullshit, bullshit.
Speaker 4:See that video of that Eagles fan. So this woman and her husband went to the eagles game no they're, they're uh packers fans. This dude was just like getting in this woman's face. Connor, a dirty ugly cunt, and all this stuff sounds like my kind of guy.
Speaker 2:I was wondering is there a video on it? There is a video. Let's watch the video.
Speaker 4:We want to see this, I guess the eagles like banned him from for life from the stadium. Evidently.
Speaker 2:Oh, he was an Eagles fan.
Speaker 4:Yeah, he was an Eagles fan, taught him.
Speaker 2:Now he's going to be a Packers fan.
Speaker 1:That's dude.
Speaker 4:I hope this isn't like clickbait with this clip. I wish it's just a clip straight up.
Speaker 2:Why would you do? That I'm like dude. You talk to my woman like that again. I want to knock your fucking teeth out. What?
Speaker 4:would you do, man, so that they so the guy was on twitter or reddit and that people were he was talking. He goes, he goes. Here's the thing he goes. If I would have went after this guy, I would have got my ass handed to me by 20 fucking eagles fans. Oh yeah, he goes. What do I? He goes. I had to because people were like, oh, you're such a fucking cuck letting your woman get talked to like that. I would have pounded that dude in the face. The guy's like well, okay. So here are my two choices Either we just kind of ignore him and just be whatever about it, or I go fight him and I get my ass kicked by 20 Eagles fans surrounding me.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, because they're going to see Eagles on power.
Speaker 4:Yeah, they're going to beat the shit out of me and I'm going to get kicked out and I'm going to miss the game. So I go. Dude, that's tough man, I wouldn't have stood for that shit, but I understand his point of view. At least he told him to stop saying that. Yeah, he was like, hey, come on man, stop doing that. So, apparently, of course, people on Twitter and Reddit, as as internet as the internet does found him and I guess, uh, the eagles released a statement, I think, or something, saying that, uh, his tickets have been. I think he was a season ticket holder, maybe, but uh, he, he's been banned from future eagles games.
Speaker 4:So that's crazy dude, just call her a dumb ugly cut I'm. I'm like Jesus. Come on, dude. Eagles fans are the worst. They're horrible, they're worse than. They're probably the worst fans in the league by far. Come on, just let people fuck. You know, even when we went to that Ohio State Wisconsin game, the Big Ten title game there was just some Ohio State fans being really mean and obnoxious to Wisconsin fans. I didn't like that. It like, come on, man, just like stop it, just let them cheer. Yeah, I don't like it, you know, the thing is like.
Speaker 2:You know what it did to me I hate, I get it we got sports teams and we, we get excited yeah, it's like everything else and I used to be kind of like that towards michigan people and I'm not like he's like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Speaker 2:Wait a second, you don't know. But uh, I used to be like that, uh, against michigan fans. But if you take all the blue or amazing goal, or amazing blue away, you take the scarlet gray away. We're just people dude, you know, and that's the thing michigan fans are so down down right now.
Speaker 2:It's hilarious that that pretty much, if we win the natty, their win against us didn't mean anything, which is kind of funny and dude, like I was telling somebody today I said you do know how math works right, because they're like, well, we be you blah, blah, blah, and I'm like you do know how math works right. If we would have made those two field goals who you guys had no anything on, you guys didn't do anything to make us miss those if we would have got both of those field goals, that's three points apiece, that's 16 to 13 osu wins and nick saban made a really good point and I like.
Speaker 4:I like nick savin and I don't. I like him, I respect, I think he's a great coach, I, I, you know he, he goes, listen people, he goes. I understand ohio state because I think he was a graduate assistant at ohio state under earl bruce. Because I get it, he goes. You want to beat michigan, but with the way the college football playoff works now that game is not the end-all, be-all anymore. He goes. The quicker Ohio State fans realize that the better. And he is 100% right. And Colin Coward made the same point. He goes.
Speaker 4:Now, with the expanded playoff, teams can lose late in the year or early in the year. Teams can grow. The NFL does it. He goes. Kansas City lost to Oakland last year late in the year and they won the Super Bowl. He goes. Teams have a chance to grow, he goes. That's the way football is. You learn from your mistakes and you grow. College football is the only level of major football where you have to be near perfect to reach a national championship. Maybe one loss and that's it now you can lose a few times and you could grow from that. The nfl does. Nfl does it. You can lose several times and still make the playoffs and still get hot. He goes.
Speaker 4:Now, college is catching up to that. He goes and nick sabah goes. Listen, we lost to Auburn in like 2013 or 24 or what year was it, I can't 2011. We lost to Auburn. He goes and we won the national championship. No one's talking about Auburn beating us, charles or not, charles was. But uh, desmond Howard goes, we'll remember that, we'll remember that. And then, and then nick say, well, yeah, everybody inside of michigan's gonna remember that, but nationwide, no one's gonna give a shit. It's gonna be ohio state as your national champion. That's, that's all that matters. He goes. So ohio state fans need to kind of develop. It's gonna suck because back in the day it was beat mich Michigan, win the Big Ten, go to the Rose Bowl, then win a national title. Those were the goals.
Speaker 4:Now it seems that that game, while still important oh, we still want to beat Michigan but it's not the end-all be-all anymore. And to some purists that's a little sad, but to me it's like, okay, that makes sense. Sad, but to me it's like okay, that makes sense. It's like, yeah, you know, if michigan fans have been thumping their chest during our playoff run saying, well, you didn't go undefeated, so your, your national title don't mean much. Or you didn't beat us, so your national title don't mean a whole lot, so it's like, well, it doesn't matter, we're still the national, we'll still be the national team. We haven't won nothing yet. Notre dame's going to be tough. I don't know To me if you want to make the argument that yeah, it's still the one, it's the most important game of the year. Sure, absolutely it is.
Speaker 2:But I think it's, I think, I think, I think it's true, you are right, but I know how it feels, I know you know and I know you know how it feels and I think it's almost to me. It's kind of like having something bad happen to you and you're, and it's almost like it's almost like trying to bandaid over it. It's it's what it feels like to me, like hey, we definitely want the Natty, of course. Dude, winning the national title is fucking huge. Making it to the big game is fucking huge, got to win it first.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but well, we made it to the big game. We just got to fucking finish her out. But that game, like we talked when we first lost that game, like like we talked when we first, when we when we first lost that game, and we had our discussion on here and you talked to me and you're like it's like I didn't feel like the year's over it did, it did because,
Speaker 2:it is the. It is, to us, the biggest game of the year, without having that, don't get wrong, I want to, I want, we want the natty, but it's, it's conflicting I have conflicting it's almost like the national title is the biggest thing for you, for this nation, for the for the whole licking.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I have conflicting emotions right now but for an ohio state it's a weird feeling, right?
Speaker 2:for just an ohio state fan. Yeah, to me it's weird. The michigan game is the biggest game for us, like that is the one where we get to.
Speaker 4:We get bragging rights all year we get to say hey, people will call you crazy, because people are like we rather beat michigan than win a national title. And people are like you're nuts because that's like the ultimate bragging right is winning the national championship. You have bragging rights over everybody, not just one particular person. You have bragging rights over them too. My technically.
Speaker 2:My only thing is that they didn't like and that's the problem that I've been trying to fucking fight with people is that Michigan didn't beat us, we beat ourselves. And I told people I said, okay, let Michigan play against our playoff team right now and see what happens. There's no fucking way you couldn't hold a candle. I would be surprised if you score. I'm going to say that.
Speaker 4:And I think that whole mentality of michigan, michigan, michigan just got in the into the head of the coaches and they they tried to out michigan, michigan, which is they didn't have anything. So they're like, well, we're just gonna just beat the piss out of them now we're just gonna run zone, fucking runs down their throw and it didn't work. But then they're like, oh gee, you know what? We have one of the top playmakers in college football. We have two of them. Oh, let's get them out in space. Oh, look at that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they hurt. They hurt during the Michigan game a couple times. They started to do it and they stopped doing it.
Speaker 4:So yeah, it's all mental.
Speaker 2:It's do it and they stopped doing it. So, yeah, it's, it's, it's all mental, it's a lot of mental.
Speaker 4:That's what I'm saying super mental beat ourselves. Yeah, it's very very mental. Yeah, what did michigan do outside of kick a few field goals to beat us outside of like defense? I think offensively our offensive game play was bad, but whatever defense.
Speaker 2:I think our defense stepped up.
Speaker 4:I think, I think, I think it really. I think some demons will be exercised if we win the national title. Not all of them, I think some of them will. It'll feel really good, yes, to have it, because then I'll have more merch, and I got to figure out where to put it all upstairs, but I'm getting way too ahead of myself. You know, I I hate being presumptuous because I hate being the favorite and I hate. You know, like it's like. Okay, ohio state should have no problem with notre dame that's in six days from today.
Speaker 2:Yeah, six next monday next monday.
Speaker 4:So it's like I absolutely fucking hate that mentality. I like being the underdog because the expectations are all the pressures on the favorite, all the pressures on ohio state right now because to to get this redemption story complete, they gotta finish out. But just kind of watching the players and the the way the coaches are talking and the way the players are carrying themselves, I feel really good about it because I just feel they got that mission on their brain. Like they, they the eye. You could tell in their eyes that they want to finish this and if they play the game that they've been playing lately, it should work. So I just don't think notre dame offensively has the horses to go tit for tat with ohio state and I think of ohio state just plays half of what they're, what they that that buzzsaw offense has been playing. It'll like a like a 30 to 17 game in my opinion.
Speaker 2:So we'll see what happens. I think you're right, man. I think it it's a if Ohio state keeps playing the same game they've been playing the past three in the Texas game Some of those Michigan tendencies were kind of creeping in a little bit.
Speaker 4:And then they kind of then, they kind of woke up, they kind of woke up, they kind of woke up that that 14 play, 80 yard drive was magnificent. That was.
Speaker 2:You know what it started with. A lot, I think, what happens is when they start getting them penalties, the penalties really hurt.
Speaker 4:When they started getting penalties, they just I think they just got in a funk yeah, you know like well they were driving when, when henderson had that really stupid 1500 penalty. They were driving when Henderson had that really stupid 15-yard penalty, they were going to drive his score again. They were going down the field at will.
Speaker 2:And then he got the penalty, and then that penalty kind of derailed things a little bit.
Speaker 4:So I think Ohio State won't have any trouble moving the football. It's just that they can just not stand in their own fucking way. That's the whole thing.
Speaker 2:Took that momentum away a little bit.
Speaker 4:That's football. So we'll see what happens and hopefully by next week we're recording this podcast. We'll be like yay.
Speaker 2:I'm going to say this, I'm going to say this straight up Ohio State making it to the big show and beating all these teams is a feat in itself. I am not, I will not, I don't think next week. If it like, knock on wood, if, if yeah say they don't come out victorious. I'm not going to be as upset as I was with michigan, I think the michigan game was just we were expected it was an outlaw.
Speaker 4:I think, yeah, it was just it was like weird what happened.
Speaker 4:It was just a weird, uh, anomaly. It was just a weird anomaly really Notre Dame could barely get past Penn State. It's just like come on, man, yeah, anyway, we'll see what happens. I'm trying to be focused and be like I'm trying to give Notre Dame all the respect that I think they should get. And to me, I'm just like, because you know what, Honestly, this is my number one and number I'm trying to give Notre Dame all the respect that I think they should get. And to me.
Speaker 2:I'm just like no, because you know what Honestly this is my number one and number two I love Notre Dame. I don't mind.
Speaker 4:No, I didn't really like Notre Dame back in the day.
Speaker 1:Charlie Weiss.
Speaker 4:I hated Notre.
Speaker 1:Dame, you didn't like that fat motherfucker.
Speaker 4:But fuck him. Fucking shows us, dude. I remember this like it was yesterday. So they had a press conference and you know, talking about ohio state and this and that he goes well, ohio state's offense and how good they are, he goes well. I know a thing or two about defense or something. He held up his four super bowl rings, like that's supposed to impress me. Like fuck you, dude, who are you? Because he worked, he goes. He was on, uh, bill belichick's staff for new england before he went to notre dame and I just never liked him and I didn't like brady quinn and fuck all them.
Speaker 2:I didn't like it I liked aj hawk lane is that right in front of? His sister, who's aj hawk's wife, aj hawk, I love aj hawk dude he's the man, he's on that.
Speaker 4:He's on that, uh what you call it.
Speaker 2:Uh show, uh yeah, they do sports casting, don't they?
Speaker 4:yeah, he's, he's on um pat mcafee show, yeah, so he's like this, like pat back. If he's the big loud, yeah then aj hawk's kind of like the reserved, kind of like smoke cigars and drinking brandy kind of guy, just kind of gives you the kind of gives you the everyman insight I love aj hawk, dude he's the dude. So yeah, so we are way over time, so we are going to bid you adieu for the evening. Adieu, do you have any departing words for us?
Speaker 2:no, I'd like to say thank you to everybody for listening. I'd like to give a huge shout out to our dude, tony, who just responded today telling us that, uh, he enjoyed her last episode, um with, uh, fat ass coochie, which was awesome. Um, tony dude, thank you, keep rocking your shit. Thank you for giving us the, uh, the lowdown on where you get your um, your theme yeah, I appreciate he told us that because I was curious to know how you made that.
Speaker 4:So so we could do.
Speaker 2:You know, what'd be awesome is if we use that and we made like music for each one of the teams in faffle that'd be cool.
Speaker 4:That'd be fucking legit good idea yeah, like dudes. That's why I keep you on the staff that's awesome. Uh, yeah, we appreciate everyone's listenership. Uh, we had a really good month last month, so appreciate it really yeah like one of our best.
Speaker 2:Like 400 viewers 400 unique viewers or something like holy shit, I know what are we usually on 200 ish jesus christ, yeah, so yeah double keep listening, show your friends
Speaker 3:yeah, so whoever you are, out there.
Speaker 4:If you, wherever you found us, drop us a line or tell us how much we suck. That's cool too. I don't care. Uh, back of the day, podcastcom is for now, you can see all of our or hear all all of our old uh episodes and uh, we'll be moving to youtube very shortly and, uh, it's gonna be sweet. I can't wait to. I can't wait to stream, because that's gonna you get to lot. My favorite part is going to be showing these videos that we do every like we do video like reactions. You get to see our reactions live. To me. That's gonna be fun to do, so I can't wait to start that up and, yeah, it's gonna be great. But I thanks everyone for listening.
Speaker 4:So appreciate y'all, yeah yeah that's it okay, that's it Okay, that's my mama. All right, so we'll see you on the next go. I'm John Brickner and I'm Jason Scherger.
Speaker 2:See you later. Later homies, later homies, later homies, later homies.